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Employee Spotlight – Adan Magana

Welcome to the Employee Spotlight

Welcome to another edition of the Mahoney ‘Employee Spotlight’.  This spotlight is our way to reflect on and draw positive attention to the most important assets of Mahoney – its employees! A functioning business cannot function without a solid team in place, and we are extra proud of that team.

Every couple of weeks, an employee will be nominated and featured.  Next up is Adan Magana.

What is your role at the company? How long have you been with Mahoney, and what position did you start at?

A: I am the Operations Manager; I have been with Mahoney for 15 years and I started as a fueler. I have worked for every department at Mahoney.

How do you balance your career at Mahoney with family life?

A: I really don’t balance it; I just do it as it comes.  I would do the same things with Mahoney that I would with my family; try to run the MES department as if it were my own company.

If you could switch your job with anyone else within Mahoney, whose job would you want?

A: I would not switch with anyone; I love what I do and I am good at it! 

What do you like most about Mahoney?

A: I like that every day comes with its own challenge. I enjoy working with customers on a one-on-one basis to develop systems to fit their needs and coordinating with different departments to help the customer and to get the job done.

What is on your wish list for the next five years at ME?

A: To become Vice President of Mahoney! To manage a plant in a different state. 

What has been your favorite project that you worked on here at Mahoney?

A: Cincinnati Casino and the O’Hare/Midway airports.

What drew you to Mahoney when you initially started and how has the company changed since then?

A: I joined the Mahoney family in 2004 through a friend. The company has changed greatly with the Direct Connect systems and Preferred Oil. We are now all over the country.

Before working at Mahoney, what was the most interesting or unusual job you had?

A: I used to make custom high-pressure fuel/hydraulic oil hoses under heavy pressurized materials, which required welding to ensure 100% of quality. The equipment was made per customer specification, and had to be made to perfection.  

Share your proudest moment since coming on board at Mahoney?

A: Being nominated for Employee of the Year and for being in the Spotlight! 

Miscellaneous Questions (non-job related)

Do you have a favorite or inspirational quote to share?

A: Your talent determines what you can do.  Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do.  Your attitude determines how well you do it. Don’t make it work, make it right!

Best vacation you have been on?

A: Road trip to Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina with my family for two weeks straight! 

If you could change careers right now, what would you choose:

A: Build and manage my own company.

Motto or personal mantra?

A: Don’t make it work, make it right!  

If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring (assuming basics are provided)?

A: Matches, machete and a fishing net.

People would be surprised if they knew what about you?

A: That I’m extremely religious. 

Finally, three words that best describe you:

A: Family-oriented/loving, handyman and respectful/funny.  


Thank you, Adan! We appreciate your contribution to this interview AND especially to all you do for Mahoney Environmental!

Want to nominate someone? Submit your nomination by emailing [email protected]. Please title the email “Employee Spotlight Nomination”.

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