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Employee Spotlight – Katie Butkus

Welcome to the Employee Spotlight

Mahoney Environmental kicks off a new feature this week: the ‘Employee Spotlight’. It’s our way to reflect on and draw positive attention to the most important assets  of Mahoney – its employees! A functioning business cannot function without a solid team in place, and we are extra proud of that team.

Twice monthly, an employee at Mahoney will be nominated and featured in this ‘spotlight’.

Let’s kick it off with our Jack (Jill) of all trades – Katie Butkus!

What is your role at the company? How long have you been with Mahoney, and what position did you start at?

K: I am the Customer Solutions Manager for Mahoney. My team interacts with hundreds of customers daily and it’s my responsibility to make sure they have the correct tools and resources to help satisfy the customer, including our sales staff. I’m also part of the Sales Leadership Team. I started my career at Mahoney in data entry and customer service in Nov 2004 and have held various positions since. 

How do you balance your career at Mahoney with family life?

K: I’m a firm believer in work-life integration, not balance. You shouldn’t have to balance the two out. Instead, work should just be a part of your life.

It’s not uncommon to find me answering emails in the evenings, running reports on the weekends, or taking a phone call while grocery shopping. My work bleeds into my life. The same goes with my life. I don’t start my day arriving at the office at 7am because I am busy packing my kid’s lunches and making sure they get on the school bus. My son has called me at the office for help on his homework and I’ll leave the office early to make sure I don’t miss the first pitch or jump ball at either of my kid’s game.

What do you like most about Mahoney?

K: The people.

What is on your wish list for the next five years at ME?

K: Personally? I see myself as a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

For the company? I’d like to see the company open a plant in California and Florida. Then grow further north and south. Instead of being a national service provider, why not an international service provider?!

What has been your favorite project that you worked on here at Mahoney?

K: It would be a tie between implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 a few years back and more recently, DocuSign. The business is growing at a rapid pace and in order to keep up we need more automation in our business processes. Both projects allowed me to be innovative and with my skills and sales operations knowledge and experience, I was successful in providing a go to market solution for the sales team. I had a sense of accomplishment with both projects.  

What drew you to Mahoney when you initially started? And how has the company changed since then?

K: I had no idea there were companies out there that picked up used cooking oil; never realized there was a need for that service. After starting at Mahoney, I learned the oil was recycled. Working for a company that cares about the environment is an added bonus. Since I’ve started, the company has more than tripled in size. In 2004, there were 8 sales people, we picked up oil in 8 states and just opened the 3rd processing plant in Indianapolis. Today we have 28 in Sales & Marketing, self-service in 31 states and now have 12 depot/processing plants.  

Before working at Mahoney, what was the most interesting or unusual job you had?

K: I stuffed the Sunday newspaper with adds and coupons. I was paid a penny per paper. But my favorite job was working at a video store in high school.

Share your proudest moment since coming on board at Mahoney?

K: Seeing members of my team develop and be placed in a position to succeed in their current role and other facets of the company.

Miscellaneous Questions (non-job related)

Do you have a favorite or inspirational quote to share?

K: Life is short – Break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you Smile.

Best vacation you have been on?

K: Hands down my Europe trip last summer. In Amsterdam, and a few other quaint towns in Netherlands, I rented a bicycle, walked through windmills (did you know people used to live inside them?), ate stroopwafel, drop, kaas, frites, and drank plenty of beer at the Heineken Experience. Let’s not forget about the boat ride through the canals, the tour of the Royal Palace, Red Light District 😉, and Anne Frank’s house. I was fortunate to spend a couple of days walking the streets of Paris visiting the Eiffel Tower, Cathedral of Notre Dame and witnessing a riot in the streets because France won some sort of soccer game. My day in Bruges, Belgium was like stepping back in time and walking directly into an old storybook town with cobble streets and all. Absolutely breathtaking! So yeah, I would have to say Europe!

If you could change careers right now, what would you choose?

K: Something in technology.

Choose your Mr. Men/Little Miss, to describe your work personality? Your home life personality?

K: Little Miss Bossy

Motto or personal mantra?

K: Work smarter, not harder. OR: You don’t have to do things…you GET to do them! – Bert Jacobs

People would be surprised if they knew what about you?

K: I’m the 7th child out of 9. The Brady Bunch, Seventh Heaven and Eight is Enough have nothing on us!

Finally….three words that best describe you?

K: Detail-oriented, Outspoken, Sassy


Thanks Katie! We appreciate your contribution to this interview AND especially to all you do for Mahoney Environmental!

Want to nominate someone? Email the Director of Marketing directly to submit your nominations: [email protected]. Please title the email “Employee Spotlight Nomination”.

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